Uninstall/Reinstall Drobo Dashboard: What is the proper way to uninstall and re-install Drobo Dashboard - Q. Upgraded to Catalina, I no longer see my Time Machine Backup A. Apple has renamed the Time Machine backup file, please consult with Apple for next steps. Drobo Dashboard no longer recognizes Drobo on Catalina. Run the Dashboard install file downloaded in the previous step. If you are having trouble installing Drobo Dashboard check to ensure you have Administrator privileges on your computer. Get additional support here and create a Ticket with our support team.
How do I set up my Drobo 5N2?
The Drobo 5N 2 is very easy to setup, we also have an interactive walk-through that will guide you in setting up the 5N2. For additional information, see User Guide
What SMB version is the Drobo FS, Drobo 5N, Drobo 5N2 & B810n?
With the exception of the Drobo FS, the 5N, 5N2, B810n are SMBv2. The Drobo FS is SMBv1.
If using Windows 10 and the Drobo FS, B800FS, SMBv1 is not installed by default on Windows 10.
The Drobo FS is fixed at SMBv1, there is no way to change this on the Drobo. However, you can enable SMBv1 on Windows 10, there are some resources online that show you how to do this.
For additional information, see:
Can I migrate the drives from my current Drobo FS or 5N to my new 5N2?
Yes, as long as the following criteria are met:
- Ensure FS/5N is on latest firmware
- FS/5N is in a healthy state
- Drive bay lights Green
- Data Accessible
- For more information regarding Migration guides, please see 'Can I move my drives from one Drobo to another'
Note: If you are migrating from Drobo FS or Drobo 5N that is currently formatted for 16TB, you must back up your data and reformat in order to achieve 64TB volume size
Why are all the lights flashing on my new Drobo 5N2?
When your brand new Drobo is first powered on it goes through process of automatically updating your firmware to the latest firmware version. For more information regarding what you can expect during this process see ' New Drobo Setup: Lights Flashing'
Can I use DroboDR from a 5N2 to another 5N2?
Can I use DroboDR from a 5N2 to any previous generation Drobo's
DroboDR is designed to work with Drobo 5N2, B810n and above.
Why are there two Ethernet ports on the back of my Drobo 5N2?
Drobo provides two Ethernet ports on the 5N2, for the following reasons:
- Port Bonding - Provides approximately twice the read/write performance you get via a single port.
- Port Failover - Provides connections to two different subnets. They can be used in an 'active/passive' mode so that if one port fails the other takes over.
Where can I find the User Guide, Data Sheets and latest version of Drobo Dashboard and Firmware?
All of this information can be found on our downloads and docs page.
Why does the Drobo occasionally lose network connectivity?
You may lose network connectivity for a few reasons, please see the guides below;
- NAS Dashboard Discovery and Trouble Accessing your NAS
- Ensure the computers Firewall is not blocking the Drobo Dashboard Service
- The Computer should have a link-local IP Address
After waiting a few minutes, The Drobo should appear in Drobo Dashboard
> If the Drobo does not appear:
There could be a physical connection issue, try a different Ethernet Cable and/or connect to another Ethernet port on your router/switch
If set to a Static IP address, try setting to DHCP. This can be found in Drobo Dashboard > Settings > Network
If still an issue, Get a Diagnostic and Contact Support
How do I know Port Bonding is working?
Port Bonding is meant to be used with both ports plugged into the same router or switch
Do not use boding to connect with two separate router or switches or networks
Disable bonding if you wish to have your drobo connect with two separate networks
Some routers or switches support bonding, To utilize bonding within the Drobo, do not enable bonding on the router or switch
Enable Port Bonding > Drobo Dashboard > Drobo Settings > check Network Interface Bonding (Verify 'Automatically assign IP setting DHCP is chosen)
Click here for more information regarding Port Bonding
Validate simultaneous port functionality:
Drobo Dashboard should recognize Drobo
Drobo Dashboard 3.2.0
If one port has good speed and the other does not swap cables on the ports to see if problem follows the cable. For maximum performance, you should be connected to Gigabit Ethernet port.
What is the max number of Shares and Users for a Drobo NAS product?
100 Users
Question: What are the default IP addresses for the two network ports on my Drobo NAS ?
Answer: By default, the network ports will try to receive IP addresses assigned by a DHCP server on the network subnet. If no DHCP server is available, then an address on the 169.254.X.X subnet will be assigned. This is the standard default that all networking devices use when an IP address is not available.
Drobo 5n2
Question: How should i setup Drobo for use with Time Machine?
Answer: In Drobo Dashboard create Time Machine Enabled Share as follows:
Drobo Dashoard > Shares, bottom of window select Share Settings > click Add, check box Enable Time Machine Support on this Share
For detailed information: Using_Drobo_5N2_with_Time_Machine_or_backup_software
Question: Restore Time Machine Backup
* Restart the Mac and hold down keys Command R
* macOS utilities, select Restore from Time Machine Backup
* Select Other Server and enter in:
* Enter in the Drobo Username & Password
* Select the Backup and Continue
(If encyrpted, enter in password)
* Select which Backup you would like to Restore
Drobo Dashboard Download Mac
Answer: 27 is the maximum number of allowed characters for Share name